How much does it cost to renovate a house?

How much does it cost to renovate a property? According to Archicentre, the average renovation project in NSW is valued between $75,000 and $150,000. If you want to add an 80-square-metre ground-floor extension with inclusions, you’ll be looking at $164,526 to $310,896. Less than half of the expense will go towards materials. Labour will cost …

Free refinance mortgage calculator makes it easy to refinance your home loan

Although it was a simpler process to refinance a mortgage than applying for a new loan, many homeowners are not sure about the potential savings from refinancing mortgages. Indeed, whether you can save money depends on the new interest rate, new loan term, new repayment, when to refinance, and the consideration of resale. Majority of …

Property bubble? 24% overvalued prices? – This is the best study on Australian property market!

There is no property bubble, but property prices are more than 24% overvalued. According to an article from SmartCompnay, Goldman Sachs’ chief economist Tim Toohey has made an extremely valuable contribution to the Australia property bubble debate. In his recently released comprehensive report, A Study On Australian Housing: Uniquely Positioned Or A Bubble?, he took …

Can we claim tax deductions when renting out primary residence?

Question: We are moving interstate and own a property with a $300,000 mortgage that we would like to keep as an investment property.  I would like to know: (1) Is it true that if we keep this as our primary residence we won’t pay capital gains tax if we sell within six years. (2) Can we claim tax deductions connected with …

Do I have to pay capital gains tax on the half property I inherited from my spouse?

Question: My spouse and I owned an investment property in joint names until my partner’s death 10 years ago, when I became sole owner. The property was sold last year. The property was not our main home. Do I have to pay capital gains tax on the half I inherited? Answer: If the property was …