We have often heard of a friend (or a friend of a friend) who is making a killing with investment properties and wonder why I cannot do the same? With the housing market on the rebound, home values are rising across the nation and it could be a great time to invest in some properties. …
Are we concerned too much on foreign ownership of Australian property?
Maybe you are not, but more than 26,000 people have signed a change.org petition for tighter rules on foreign ownership of Australian property, according to Domain.com.au. The boost to the number of signatories to the petition – there’s been a jump of 20,000 in a month – comes as the boss of a Chinese property website …
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Is property investment fail proof?
In any type of investment, rewards and risks go hand in hand. Property investments, in recent years, have become an integral part of almost all mixed asset portfolios. But is property a fail proof investment? Well, I don’t have an answer. However, I do know that some of the very common challenges faced by the …
据《先锋太阳报》报道,未来10年澳洲房价将大涨,绝大多数首府城市的房产中位价将破100万澳元大关。 到了2024年,悉尼的房产中位价将达到182.4万澳元,是全澳最高的。 对于那些已经拥房在手的人来说,这是个好消息,但对于那些计划买房的人来说,这无疑是晴天霹雳。 RP Data数据显示,1980年澳洲的房产中位价是3.75万澳元,但到了2010年,房产中位价达到了42.55万澳元。这意味着在截止2010年的过去30年里,澳洲房价以每年8.43%的速度疯涨。根据这一数据来分析和推算,澳洲所有首府城市的房产中位价在10年后会突破100万大关。 到了2024年,墨尔本的房产中位价将超过100万澳元,达到136.6万澳元,悉尼房产中位价达到182.4万澳元,依然是澳洲最贵城市, 专家相信澳洲房价将继续上涨,这将导致置业者将目光投向更小的房产,包括公寓。家庭收入的增幅并未跟上房价上涨的幅度,所以房价的可负担性会进一步恶化。
如果你的门牌号码拥有某些数字,那么就代表好运气,而另外一些号码就代表死亡或者霉运。 一些中国买家看到门牌号码是8字的,很愿意额外给多付成千上万块钱来购买这一房子。 但是,如果门牌号码是四的话,很多中国人掉头就走。 AC Property 公司预计,目前中国买家每年在澳洲投资40亿澳元在房地产上面。 其中,高达四分之一的交易可能涉及一系列的迷信、风水和个人喜好。 中国人买房子不仅仅关注门牌号码是8字号码,连土地面积也一样。 AC Property公司的Esther Yong说,我们公司之前在墨尔本的 Box Hill 区有一套房子的地皮刚好是888平米。结果非常多的中国人想买这一间房子。 她说我们看到很多的地产开发商、建筑商们为了迎合中国人的喜好,纷纷间他们开发的楼盘地址改为 88,80,18等等。因为中国客人对这些门牌号码非常喜爱,并认为会带来好运气。 中国词八相当于发财和富裕的意思。 一名资深的公务员, 38岁的Rui Ma 上周成功在拍卖伤投得在悉尼Rozelle区的一座房子。 房子的地址是: 8 Smith St, Rozelle 房子占地 266平米,有3间睡房,一间浴室。 房东的心理价格是120万,结果最后售出价是138.5万澳元 Rui Ma来自中国北京出生的澳洲公民。 他说,单单是这个 八字门牌号码就值得2-3万澳元。 Rui Ma 和其他中国买家纷纷避开 4字头的房子,不论是独立房子还是公寓大楼的套房,都尽量不要有4字。 另外一项是,中国人买房子喜好有一个封闭的厨房,他们不喜欢炒菜的油烟味道飘到全屋。 中国人喜爱的房子: 1. 门牌号码带8字 2. 开侧门的房子,房子大门不要正对大马路 3. 在高地一侧的房子 4. 如果是一片平地的话,在中间位置 5. 不要靠近大马路 中国人不喜爱的房子: 1. 门牌号码带4字 2. 面朝北的房子 3. …
How much your home address number can be worth for Chinese buyers?
Do you as a property owner know that your home address number could means tens of thousands extra dollars when you sell your property to Chinese buyers? Some Chinese home-buyers will pay tens of thousands of dollars more for addresses containing the number eight, but shun those with a four. AC Property estimated Chinese buyers …
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Rental vacancies surge nationally
SQM Research has released its rental vacancies report for the month of December 2013, which registered a big increase in the vacancy rate to 2.6% nationally, from 2.2% in the prior month and 2.3% in December 2012: Part of the increase in the vacancy rate in December relates to seasonality, with vacancy rates typically rising …
Which cities deliver lowest yields to Australia property investors?
If you are property investors, can you guess which city delivers lowest rental yields? According to the Australian Property Monitors report, houses and units in Australia’s two largest capital cities, Sydney and Melbourne, are offering landlords comparatively low returns as rental markets across the country rebalance. The Australian Property Monitor’s Rental Price Series Quarterly Report shows …
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Learn how much you need to invest now if you want to retire on property
The latest Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia research shows that, in general, a couple looking to achieve a comfortable retirement needs to spend $57,195 a year, while those seeking a ‘modest’ retirement lifestyle need to spend $33,120 a year which means that the average couple need a lump sum of about $660,000 to survive …
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Top International Property Markets to Invest
Now that much of the world is safely out of recession and slowly climbing to its feet, now could be the right time to invest in some foreign property. Although it’s easy to speculate about which are the best foreign property markets, when it comes to putting down a deposit on a house, you’ll want …
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What Your Options are if Your Home is Under Threat of Repossession?
There are many points at which you have a chance to stop or postpone your house from being repossessed, if you take heed of the warnings. It is a scary place to be when you think you can’t make the repayments, but don’t be fooled into thinking that you’re powerless. Seek Advice If you think …
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Cash rate is at a record low of 2.75 per cent as of May 2013
The Reserve Bank of Australia has cut the cash rate to a record low of 2.75 per cent today (07/05/2013) at its board meeting. Among of the big four banks, 3 of them have passed on the full rate cut. NAB was first out of the blocks, announcings shortly after the RBA’s decision it would …
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Latest property prices 04/2013
According to property analysts RP Data, house prices contracted by 0.5 per cent over the month of April after posting a solid 2.8 per cent gain over the first three months of 2013. Across the major cities: Sydney values were down 0.4 per cent, Melbourne’s fell 0.5 per cent, Brisbane’s dropped 0.7 per cent, Perth’s fell …
About Negative Gearing – Some Interesting Facts
Negative gearing was identified as one of the key drains on personal tax collections. Negatively geared property investors lost an astonishing $13.2 billion in 2010-11, up from $10.1 billion the year before. The latest Tax Office statistics show the average loss per negatively geared investor was $10,950, up from $9130 the year before. The average loss for …
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What will happen when you don’t pay the strata fee on time?
As a property investor can you ignore the strata levy though nobody likes them? The short answer is NO! Why you should NOT ignore it Firstly, a compulsory 10 per cent penalty interest rate is applied to all overdue levies. Secondly, as well as interest, the costs of recovering the debt are entirely payable by …
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