Buy house in Sydney or Melbourne in 2010

Wonder if you should buy a house property in Sydney or Melbourne in 2010? The chart below clearly shows that you should buy in Sydney because the median house price Sydney is till much lower than the prediction while the median house price Melbourne is already in line with the prediction.

Sydney Melbourne property prediction graph

In addition, the 2020 median house price Sydney is predicted to be 1.9m while Melbourne is only 1.3m at most.


This post was published in March 2010 and I think it is now the time to revisit the Melbourne and Sydney property market.

I invite you to do a simple poll over Sydney and Melbourne. The question is:

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3 Replies to “Buy house in Sydney or Melbourne in 2010”

  1. These are interesting charts, but I’d be interested in knowing what the source for the median price forecasts?

    The other factor that should be considered of course is rental yield. If you’re considering a strategy that involves positive gearing then rental yield may be more important than capital growth.

  2. Your chart is a big help to us. For anyone who is serious about selling your house in Australia then it is necessary to find a trustworthy property agent local to your region. An experienced agent should be able to provide you with guidance on valuing the property and any improvements that should be made to make your property more valuable. Thanks a lot!

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