Housing prices increased almost 2 percent in January 2010

Australia housing prices increased 1.8 per cent in January, according to RP Data, taking them 11.8 per cent higher in 12 months. “What makes me angry is that my father was able to buy a three bedroom house in Williamstown and support a family (my mother didn’t work) on the average income of a school teacher,” said …

Where should I buy an invetment property?

Well, you need to do your own research to identify property investment hotspots. But How? RP Data’s ranking of property hotspots is based on the following criteria: Pricing relative to nearby property locations Proximity to CBD of major centre Proximity to public transport Proximity to major roads Provision of local retail amenities Housing types Renovation potential …

House prices and rents are expected to rise in 2010

Without the required new home building to keep up with underlying requirements, house prices and rents are expected to continue pushing upwards through 2010, according to Housing Industry Association (HIA). The association is forecasting a moderate housing recovery in 2010 with about 152,000 dwelling starts. But that’s still below the 190,000 required to keep pace with …

More people cannot pay back home loans in 2010

Home loans in arrears by more than 30 days increased across all borrower categories during the December 2009 quarter, Fitch said in a report released on Monday. According to Fitch, more and more people will not be able to pay back  their home loans in 2010 as borrowers battle rising interest rates and Christmas-induced credit card bills. …

Top 100 property search terms in January 2010

Here are the top 100 property related search keyword phrases in January 2010 from Google. It seems that there are more buyers than renters. Investment property is in the top 10 search terms. “property” “buy property” “rent property” “properties” “property for sale” “estate property” “real estate property” “properties for sale” “investment property” “commercial property” “property …

Owner occupied house finance falls 5.5%

Australian housing finance commitments for owner-occupied housing fell 5.5 per cent in December, seasonally adjusted, to 55,632 the Australian Bureau of Statistics said on Wednesday. Economists had expected the number of owner-occupier housing finance commitments to have fallen by 5.0 per cent in December. Total housing finance by value fell by 2.8 per cent in …