A research done using Google Insights shows that in 2009 the “investment property” search volume trended up for the first time since 2004. Here is the chart since 2004 and the prejection for 2010 (click on the chart to see the full size image).
As you can see that since 2004 the search volume of “investment property” always trended down however in 2009 this trend turned around to a up trend. I believe this shows that after the finance crisis, more and more Australians are exploring the opportunity to buy investment properties though they might be at different stages – some are ready, some are still learning.
The above chart also shows that if you want to buy a property, the 4th quarter might be the best time because not many buyers around that time.
Here are some other related charts. The first one shows that Queenslanders are more interested in buying investment property. The second shows that people try to use investment property to get more tax back from the government. Investors are searching for investment property calculator to aid their decision makings in buying investment property.