Learn how to deal with noisy neighbours

What to do about noisy neighbours?


I live in a block where, for the past year, there’s been a group of very noisy youths in one unit, shouting, swearing and talking loudly on their balcony all night, coming home at 4am and being rowdy until 8am or longer, with bottles being smashed and music.

I and others have complained in writing to our executive committee, which just says the owner of the unit doesn’t care what happens in it. I’ve rung the police but they don’t attend. What can we do to get our EC to take some action?


The executive committee can take action directly against the tenants via Fair Trading and the Consumer, Trader & Tenancy Tribunal, regardless of the landlord. They can also take action against the owner for failing to manage their tenants properly.

What’s more, you and your neighbours can bypass the executive committee and go directly to Fair Trading (phone 13 32 20). And you can go to your district court and get a noise abatement order issued against the tenants and landlord.

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