Find out why using Trust to own investment property – Distributing income and capital gains

Find out why using Trust to own investment property – Distributing income and capital gains For taxation purposes, a discretionary trust provides maximum fl exibility in terms of the annual net rental income of the trust and/or any capital gain on the sale of an investment property. This is because the trustee has the discretion …

Find out why using Trust to own investment property – Recouping tax losses

Find out why using Trust to own investment property – Recouping tax losses Any negative gearing loss generated by a property owned by a trust is usually trapped in the trust, unless the trust has other income to offset the loss. While the trust can theoretically carry forward tax losses for an indefinite period, the …

Find out why using Trust to own investment property – Passing on 50% CGT discount

Find out why using Trust to own investment property – Passing on 50% CGT discount Unlike a company, which is not eligible for any capital gains tax (CGT) discount, a trust is eligible for the 50% CGT discount provided that the trust has held the property for at least 12 months before it is sold. …

Find out why using Trust to own investment property – Passing through depreciation and capital works benefits

Find out why using Trust to own investment property – Passing through depreciation and capital works benefits Perhaps one of the main reasons for trusts being favoured as a property investment vehicle, instead of a company, is its ability to pass on any net cash profit. These profits can be passed from the property that …

Are we concerned too much on foreign ownership of Australian property?

Maybe you are not, but more than 26,000 people have signed a petition for tighter rules on foreign ownership of Australian property, according to The boost to the number of signatories to the petition – there’s been a jump of 20,000 in a month – comes as the boss of a Chinese property website …

Australia property investors are cautious on property investment

The fact that the value of loans to property investors fell 7.1 per cent in January 2012 shows that Australia property investors are cautious on property investment. Overall, home loan approvals dipped 1.2 per cent in January 2012, the first fall in 10 months, the latest Australian Bureau of Statistics figures show. The number of loans from …

Some useful information about property investors in Australia

Here is some information about property investors and property investment in Australia. There are about 1.6 million taxpayers claiming negative gearing deductions. About 90 per cent of investors purchase existing properties. More than 400,000 investors own more than one investment property. One in four property investors holds their rental property for only 12 months, just …

Property investment strategies – How to choose locations and styles for long term

Key Points for Capital Gain in Long Term * Buy property in the middle suburbs close to public transport corridors, shops and schools. * Buy low-maintenance, compact dwellings because of the shrinking family unit. Most property investors see the residential property investment is a long-term proposition because the property price takes about 7 to 10 …

Investment property is still popular as suggested by Google

* Strong interest in property investing * Lots of foreign investors are interested in buying * Sydney, Sunshine coast, and Tasmania were the hot spots Investment property is still popular and seen as good investment move as suggested by the search volume of the top 100 investment property related keywords on Google Australia. It seems …

Should I take the risk to buy an investment property or just leave the money in a term deposit?

I think one of the most fundamental decisions any property investor has to make is whether to invest in property or term deposit, i.e. “how much more will I make with my money by taking the risk and buying a property and is it worth it or should I leave the money in a term …

Average 233% return on investment property in Sydney 1993-2010

Property investors can achieve an average 233% return on investment property in Sydney if they buy in 1993 and hold the property to 2010. Sydney’s median house price rose 233 per cent between the June quarter of 1993 and the June quarter of 2010, from $188,050 to $626,444, according to the latest housing price figures …