I think one of the most fundamental decisions any property investor has to make is whether to invest in property or term deposit, i.e. “how much more will I make with my money by taking the risk and buying a property and is it worth it or should I leave the money in a term …
What should you do when RBA rate is rising?
What should you do when RBA rate is rising? The course of action you might take will depend upon your individual situation. If you have a variable rate loan, it seems clear that you should currently be directing every spare cent towards paying it down in order to minimise your balance when higher rates arrive. …
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Term deposits or property investment?
Heard about the 8 per cent term deposit offer from Westpac? Or the Bank of Cyprus offer of 7.85 per cent term deposit for five years? Are you wondering if you should put your money into bank’s term deposits or invest them into property? Well, it depends on. Inflation should continue at a rate of 2.5 …