Investment Property Calculator

This investment property calculator was created to help you plan your property investment activity and find out if you can afford a residential investment property.

Please Note: This investment property calculator was NOT intended to be used for commercial properties.

This investment property calculator forecasts before and after tax cashflow, tax benefits, future property market value, annual equity gain etc over 30 years based on your assumptions around property purchase price, your taxable income, home loan repayment, and rental expenses. Unlike other property investment analysis tools this investment property calculator allows you to specify several important growth rates including Capital Growth Rate (%), Rental Growth Rate (%), Rental Outgoings/Expenses Growth Rate (%), and Taxable Income Growth Rate (%) which means the analysis result is more accurate and robust for the long-term projection which is definitely needed in property investment analysis.

If you need a good property investment calculator in Excel, please visit our Products page to learn more about our paid Excel PIA sotware tools. We have different versions of investment property calculator which suit different types of investors.

Investment Property Calculator Instructions

Please fill in all the fields in this investment property calculator and then click on the "Calculate Now" button. All the numnbers are yearly unless otherwise stated. If any of the fields do not apply please change the value to 0. In 4 steps you will have a very comprehensive analysis across 30 years for the investment property you potentially want to purchase.

Step 1: Enter the details of the property you want to buy as investment property, including property price, stamp duty, construction cost of property, capital growth rate, and weekly expected rent etc.

Step 2: Enter your income and the expected taxable income growth rate.

Step 3: Enter the interest only investment loan details such as loan amount, loan interest rate, loan term, and loan repayment type.

Step 4: Enter the ongoing costs associated with this investment property you want to acquire.

If you need help in using this investment property calculator please fill in the Contact Us form and we will aim to get back to you in 1 hour.

Investment Property Calculator Inputs

Property Information (All fields are required!)
Purchase Price ($)
Stamp Duty ($)
Other Purchase Costs ($)
Estimated Construction Cost of Property ($)
Capital Growth Rate (%)
Rental Growth Rate (%)
Rental Expenses Growth Rate (%)
Weekly Rent ($)
Annual Rental Weeks (#)
Investors Taxable Income (All fields are required!)
Annual Taxable Income Investor 1 ($)
Annual Taxable Income Investor 2 ($)
Taxable Income Growth Rate (%)
Interest Only Investment Loan (All fields are required!)
Loan Amount ($)
Loan Interest Rate (%)
Loan Term (# Years)
Loan Repayment Type
Total Borrowing Expenses ($)
Tax Deductible Rental Expenses (All fields are required!)
Accountancy Fees ($)
Advertising Fee for Tenants ($)
Body Corporate Fees and Charges ($)
Capital Works Deductions ($)
Cleaning ($)
Council Rates ($)
Gardening & Lawn Mowing ($)
Insurances ($)
Interest on Loan ($)
Land Tax ($)
Legal Expenses ($)
Plant & Equipment Deductions ($)
Pest Control ($)
Property Agent Fees & Commission ($)
Repairs & Maintenance ($)
Stationery, Telephone & Postage ($)
Travel Expenses ($)
Water Charges ($)
Sundry Rental Expenses ($)

If you want to do a more customised estimation of you investment property by tweaking the rent income, rental expenses, investor(s) income, property market value, and other variables year on year, you may want to purchase the Standard, Professional, or Ultimate version of the paid investment property calculator. The Ultimate investment property calculator is especially useful if you want to see how your property portfolio (i.e. multiple investment properties purchased in different years) perform.

What is Residential Rental Property

Residential rental property is a residential premises used to provide residential accommodation for the purpose of producing assessable income.

Residential premises (property) is land or a building that is:

  • occupied as a residence or for residential accommodation;
  • intended to be occupied, and is capable of being occupied, as a residence or for residential accommodation.

For example, a house or a unit used as residential accommodation for the purpose of producing rental income is residential rental property. A caravan or a house-boat is generally not residential rental property.