Investment Property Calculator was developed by a property investor using Excel spreadsheet with the consultation and feedback from CPAs, Real Estate Agents, Property Investors, Property Investment Mentors, SMSF Specialists, and Wealth Creation Specialists in order to help property investors in planning and analysing their property investment activities.

Free Excel Calculators

The calculators listed below are free for personal use. If you plan to use them for business purpose you need to pay the commercial use price of $59.

Free Investment Property Calculator

A basic Investment Property calculator that will show how much you need to invest weekly and annually as well as how much capital gain you might get if you sell your investment property after certain years.

Free SMSF Investment Property Calculator

A basic SMSF Investment Property calculator to estimate how much you need to invest weekly and annually, how much capital gain you might get etc. if you invest in property through a Self Managed Superannuation Fund.

Free Home Equity Investment Calculator

A comprehensive Home Equity Investment Calculator that is built to help home owners to plan and analyse how to invest on properties or shares or both by borrowing against the equity in their home.

Free Investment Property Depreciation Calculator

The Investment Property Depreciation Calculator is developed to help property investors to estimate the tax depreciation deductions of the depreciating assets.

Free Rental Property Management Spreadsheet

The free rental property management spreadsheet can help you to keep track of up to 10 investment properties (rental expenses, income, etc).

Free Home Loan Mortgage Offset Calculator

The Mortgage Offset Calculator can estimate the time and interests that you might save by having a mortgage offset account and make regular deposits into the offset account.

Investment Property Record Keeping Spreadsheet: Up to 2 investors; Up to 50 properties; Up to 50 income items; up to 200 expense items; Up to 15 years records.


The Ultimate Investment Property Calculator is awesome.

6 June 2021

Thank you for providing such a great product (Ultimate Investment Property Calculator). It has phenomenal amounts of potential and applications, and it has really helped me clear up a few cashflow questions I had in regards to building a property portfolio.

9 August 2016

As a property investor I find the tools (Ultimate Investment Property Calculator Package) I have purchased from you to be the very best to date. They make dealing with multiple properties easy and they allow you to very quickly analyse what is happening with the properties over time. I very much appreciate the Management Spreadsheet (Investment Property Record Keeping Spreadsheet), which I use the most and it is now even better being able to tailor it to my own circumstances.

I am extremely happy with the service and support that you have given now and when I first purchased the software and whole heartedly recommend you to anyone who will listen.

31 July 2014